Hot Off The Press: Call for Media

Media Power
The relationship between India’s independent film and music scene and the Indian media is a crucial one, entailing passion and combined participation in the breaking of new grounds, to reach and grow wider audiences. The support, dedication and passion of the media has been key in enabling many independent artists to come to light and creating new audiences, bringing dynamic growth to the arts.

HotOfThePress Poster

Represent Indian Media – XChange 2014
This is a call for media across the arts and culture spectrum who are actively engaging with independent filmmakers and musicians of the country and giving them a national or international spotlight, thereby fostering the growth of India’s independent music and film scene.
Select writers will represent the India’s independent Media at panel discussions or workshops at IndiEarth XChange 2014, alongside key members of the music, film and media industries from across the globe. The third edition of India’s global trade event and showcase festival for independent music, film and media is being held on 5th-7th of December 2014, in Chennai.


What you have to do:
1. Go to
2. Register as Media
3. Select one musician/filmmaker on the platform and write an in depth interview/ industry perspective on their work – max 1000 words
4. Send us your article at with subject line: Media Review

Submission Deadline: 6 August 2014


IndiEarth is an online B2B platform that connects India’s non-mainstream independent Musicians and Filmmakers to worldwide Media. The platform features a blog, offers value-added services and wider opportunity networks through its partnerships. IndiEarth is an EarthSync Initiative.

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